The story of the simple. concept


During the student days at the beginning of 2018, the idea for the concept/brand “simple” came up. This idea came about spontaneously and for the purpose of creating a simple/different design.


The idea finally started to be realized and it happened to establish an Instagram page “simple.” May 1, 2018. The site was based on the daily publication of digital posters that were then used to encourage creativity during not-so-creative student days. The Instagram page quickly grew and quickly numbered more than 2,000 followers.


At times “simple.” is becoming a recognizable phenomenon on the Internet and over time it has become a trademark of the author and his people in his environment. So “simple.” becomes a lifestyle for a number of people close to the creator and designer. The plan of this brand is to become a simple choice for every man/woman who wants to wear a simple sweatshirt or T-shirt.


After 3 years the idea came to life and that was the establishment of a studio/company called simplestudio. Symbolically to the whole idea, the request to establish a company was submitted to the three-year establishment of the first move of the concept of “simple.” May 2021.

2 year of simplestudio.

A new birthday and a new success in the field of visual communication for simplestudio.

6 years since simple. concept was just an idea.